August 2009
Anbefaling til projekt ”Life-boats”,
af Mary Miller, Chef for den nye Opera i Bergen, Norge
Anbefaling til projekt ”Life-boats”,
af Mary Miller, Chef for den nye Opera i Bergen, Norge
Marit Bente Norheim’s contribution to Stavanger2008, European Capital of Culture was critically important.
- Her Caravan Women / Campingwomen, commissioed by Stavanger2008 - were emblematic of our vision, to bring international, national and regional artists together with the community to create exceptional and lasting projects.
Her new project Life Boats, presents a natural progression from the beautiful Rolling Angels, work which I also took to the UK in 2000, through the Caravan Women / Campingwome, to a new and vibrant exploration of the moving and iconic female form.
We are currently working on building an important international collaboration to present these works, possibly involving future European Capitals of Culture.
I recommend without hesitation Marit Benthe Norheim’s new work, and personally, feel privileged to be able to be involved in her work and creative process.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide further information.
Mary Miller, Director, Stavanger2008, European Capital of Culture