Søsætning og reception. Musikkens Hus Aalborg
Friday, June 18, 2016
Efter søsætning og dåb af Life-boats i Aalborg den 18. juni 2016. Blev der afholdt en reception i Musikkens Hus med taler af Aalborgs Borgmester Thomas Kastrup-Larsen, Direktør for Aarhus 2017 Rebecca Matthews, formand for Den Selvejende institution Life-boats Torben Venndt og Dr. Phil kunsthistoriker og tidligere Rektor for Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi Else Marie Bukdahl.
Filmet af Lars Hegndal - med engelske undertekster - 7.34 min.
Prøvesøsætning "Mit skib er ladet med Liv"
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Den sidste weekend i oktober 2015 kom "Mit skib er ladet med Liv" på vand for første gang, for at afprøve hvordan hun lå i vandet. Det blev en spændende og glædelig weekend.
Filmet og klippet af Lars Hegndal - (med engelske tekster)
5.50. min
Two students from Holland about Life-boats
Here is a little film by two students from Holland about Life-boats! You can find it below this introduction. Enjoy!
Two students from Holland got in touch with me a few weeks ago; Anna Klapwijk (www.annaklapwijk.com) and Koen Droste, a maritime engineering student. They told me that they were working on a product-system-service around the Life-boats project, under supervision of Han Brezet, Professor at Delft University of Technology, and Dep. of Design for Sustainability. Han Brezet is also a guest Professor at Aalborg University and he has been visiting my studio twice in the process of building the Life-boats. He has engaged these students in a project on “how to make a sustainable cultural event around Life-boats – connection DK and NL”
Anna and I had a skype call, and afterwards she sent me this little film, where she did a collage of film footage and photos from the Life-boats web-site (mainly by Lars Hegndal), together with her and Koen’s related thoughts and interviews with Dutch people. Anna wrote to me that:
“The end part talks about the different projects we have come up with, that could potentially be done in the different cities that are passed on the way. By the end of the month, there will be a report that elaborates on that. Also, the app at the end exists, but it is a very limited example. We thought it would be good to develop one though, so people can connect through it and share their experience, and the boats can actually be followed.”
2.55 min
Visit from Holland
Wednesday, May 07, 2015
A film by the two students from Holland from there visit is Denmark On the 7th of May, the two students from Holland came to visit my studio, to see the project live during the building process. We had a nice couple of days together, discussing the possibilities for collaborations with Leeuwarden as the European Capital of Culture in 2018. Afterwards they sent me another little video that Anna filmed and edited on the journey back to Holland, to let people into their direct experience of the project.
4.19 min
At gøre en beton skulptur sødygtig
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Skibsingeniør Lars T. Olsen fra Danish Marine Design ApS fortæller om hvordan skulpturerne bliver sødygtige og CE mærkbare.
Oplæg fra Erhverv og Kunst-Kickoff, LIFE-BOATS - Nordjysk Europa eksport Skagen Odden Natur og Kulturcenter.
21.28 min.
Kunst, miljø, og energiformidling
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen, Rektor for Designskolen i Kolding, beretter om Designskolens samarbejde med DONG Energy og sammenhængen mellem kunst, miljø og energiformidling i Life-boats projektet. Oplæg fra Erhverv og Kunst-Kickoff, LIFE-BOATS - Nordjysk Europa eksport Skagen Odden Kulturcenter.
21.20 min.